Meet the NORTH Team


Michael H. Faber, Ph.D.

Michael H. Faber, Ph.D.

Key expertise:

  • Climate adaptation of built environment
  • Policy advice on risk management
  • Disaster risk management
  • Reliability, robustness and safety of structures
  • Life safety risk management
  • Bayesian decision and VoI analysis
  • Natural hazards risk modeling and management
  • Resilience and sustainability of systems
  • Global catastrophic risks 
Linda Nielsen, Ph.D.

Linda Nielsen, Ph.D.

Key expertise:

  • Classification systems, knowledge representation, taxonomies,  ontologies, learning design
  • Identification and analysis of causal interdependencies between engineered and social-ecological systems
  • Cognitive and behavioral aspects in descriptive and normative decision analysis
  • Risk governance and regulation
  • Natural hazards and disaster risk management
  • The Arctic space
José Rangel, Ph.D.

José Rangel, Ph.D.

Key expertise:

  • Risk analysis: risk management, risk assessment and risk communication. Risk analysis for products and process.
  • Probabilistic modelling of systems
  • Earthquake engineering and vulnerability assessment of buildings
  • Risk-based inspection and operation of offshore wind turbines
  • Risk-based inspection of oil & gas installations
  • Probabilistic agent-based modelling for occupancy and non-occupancy behavior in public and private spaces
  • Structural reliability
Jianjun Qin, Ph.D.

Jianjun Qin, Ph.D.

Key expertise:

  • Information modeling
  • Extreme analysis
  • Digital twin modeling
  • Reliability, risk and resilience (bridge, offshore platform, wind farm, electricity network)
  • Performance of oil & gas subsurface wells
  • Topology analysis (traffic networks, power grids)
  • Risk-based inspections and structural health monitoring (SHM)
  • AI technology in engineering decision making
  • Catastrophe modeling
Sebastian T. Glavind, Ph.D.

Sebastian T. Glavind, Ph.D.

Key expertise:

  • Probabilistic modeling and analysis of load environments, structures, infrastructures, and equity portfolios
  • Bayesian/frequentist approaches in statistics, extreme value analysis, Value of Information analysis and decision analysis
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Monte Carlo simulation techniques
  • Local and global optimization and sensitivity techniques
  • Reliability, risk, and resilience modeling for engineered systems
  • Damage detection, and structural health monitoring
Juan G. Sepulveda, Ph.D. Candidate

Juan G. Sepulveda, Ph.D. Candidate

Key expertise:

  • Techniques for accelerated probabilistic analysis of complex structural systems
  • Reliability-based optimization
  • Mechanical modeling techniques
  • Advanced Monte Carlo Simulation techniques
Min Liu, Ph.D. Candidate

Min Liu, Ph.D. Candidate

Key expertise:

  • Risk-based design optimization of e.g., wind farm electrical systems
  •  Resilience management of infrastructure systems e.g., offshore wind farm systems
  •  Probabilistic modeling of interdependent infrastructure systems e.g., wind farm systems, electrical networks and transportation systems
  •  Hurricane/typhoon risk assessment of offshore wind turbine systems
Weiheng Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate

Weiheng Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate

Key expertise:

  • Risk-based inspection planning of offshore structures
  • Value of structural health monitoring information analysis
  • Bayesian probabilistic modeling and decision analysis
  • Risk informed integrity management of offshore structures
  • Information modeling in the context of structural integrity management